Sincerely, the reason why some candidate do have low score in UTME could not necessarily be traced to poor preparation but the trickery nature of UTME questions. So, all candidate preparing for the forthcoming UTME should know and work towards the following secrets;

1. Not all questions have correct answers: Since UTME is an objective Examination, JAMB Examiners do intentionally put some questions without any correct options to penalize the gamblers.

2. Beware of conversion and it's error. E.g 100cm is 1m but 100cm² is 0.01m². UTME do intentionally create this problem for it candidates using this tricks especially in Physics and Mathematics.

3. Getting one of the answers included in the options as your final answer doesn't mean you've gotten the right answer. Please check very well. UTME do provide options that capitalizes on your calculation error. e.g, if you fail to convert certain parmeter from the parameters given, you will meet the wrong answer you get in the options.

4. For non-science students, beware of questions that employs periphrastic questioning methods e.g "All the following are untrue except" means only one from the options provided is true

5. Ascertain that a particular question contain a correct answer before you click as you can not unclick such question again if such error is encountered. CBT only allows you to change your option.

6. On no account must you use more than one minute for a question. Some questions are set with high level of technicality just to consume your time and prevent you from giving other non-technical question the needed attention.

7. UTME marking scheme employs correction formula of objective scoring. Be warned! Too many gamblings will make you lose a lot of marks.

8. Using technical terms to set the questions is a tactic to get you distabilized, stay calm when reading questions.

9. UTME questions do not test for knowledge directly, it test for applications of what you claimed to know. Make sure you read to understand while preparing for your exams.

10. Finally, don't snub questions unnecessarily just because you encounter little difficulties in solving them. Leave them first, try the simple questions and come back to it later. This is because, not all UTME questions carry equal marks. The question you left may turn out to be your Messiah. Always give the best to each question.

I wish you best of luck. Please, don't forget to share this beautiful information with others.


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